Custom steel sheets

2019-09-03|Kategoria: Wyroby / Inne Usługi

The production of steel sheets with perforations is the specialty of our company Perfopol. This Polish company is very popular internationally and carries out many orders involving a large number of individual steel products. We create steel sheets and wedge wire screens, which are characterized by high durability. These elements are made of steel with acid-resistant properties, which is also resistant to rust. We also sell special steel anti-slip platforms and articles such as ladder rungs. Both such high-quality rungs and wedge wire screens are available in the Perfopol offer at very attractive prices.

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Custom steel sheets
Custom steel sheets

The production of steel sheets with perforations is the specialty of our company Perfopol. This Polish company is very popular internationally and carries out many orders involving a large number of individual steel products. We create steel sheets and wedge wire screens, which are characterized by high durability. The...

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